In 1999 several agents like yourself reviewed all of the Windows title agency software.
Finding all of them insufficient to replace their existing DOS and Windows title agency
software, Title Innovations was born.
Allow me a few moments and I will show you how they solved their automation problem.
My clients and I drew up a wish list and I started creating a new generation of title
agency automation software.
Over two years of research, design and testing plus twenty-two years of production
installations has proven Title Innovations ability to produce large volumes of work with
few users. Title Innovations is deployed, documented, current, built for today and tomorrow.
Previously the cost of creating a new Windows title agency software system was more than
all of my clients could bear. About this time FileMaker released version 5 of the database.
This new database allowed me to cost effectively design a custom Windows title agency
software system for the Mid-Atlantic region.
Where else can you find title agency automation software where client suggestions can be
a part of the program the same day or shosrtly thereafter?
I have designed and written software for the title insurance agents and underwriters
for over thirty years, including the first remote laptop settlements in 1984.
This includes the Title Advantage agency software, underwriter remittance processing
and the
Pennsylvania /
New Jersey /
New York Title /
Connecticut /
District of Columbia /
Delaware /
Florida /
Maryland /
South Carolina /
Texas /
Title Insurance Web Sites.
Designed for Pennsylvania / New Jersey / Delaware / Maryland
Screens adapt to your location without screens full of useless fields.
- Improve workflow
- Speed up production
- Searcher independent
- Underwriter independent
- Multiple offices, Multiple CBA's, Multiple states
- Automated conveyancing (search request, thank you, tax certs, payoffs, etc.)
- Laptop settlements and policies
- Document management - paperess office with website integration
- High volume production from a small staff
- Realistic 1 hour settlements with fast cleanups including policy production
- Modern database without DBA requirements
- Your data stays on your computer
- Internet Ordering and Delivery
- Designed for Windows XP through Windows 11 and beyond
- Paperless Office